Helene Russell starts an online school in Knowledge Management

by Helene Russell

Knowledge management and sharing with Helene Russell

Until now, only those who could get to the UK could attend Helene Russell’s well-respected knowledge management training events, but with the release of her first new online course, her practical and business-focused knowledge management training is available to everyone.

We asked Helene about her first new online course Law Firm Knowledge Management: The beginner’s guide.

“I’m really excited about opening my new online school. People have been asking me about online training for quite a while now and, although I run some webinars through MBL, I wanted to create something that offered more depth and interactivity than a webinar.” said Helene.

“I don’t think you can beat in-person training for its efficiency in transferring complex knowledge and the networking and friendships you can build, but it is a simple truth that not everyone can get to London for my training events or afford to bring me in-house for something more bespoke. Hopefully this new course, and the others that will be released later this Spring, will fill a useful gap.”

“The course includes slides and content, as you would expect, but also includes quizzes, articles and downloads, and most importantly, there are discussion boards for each lecture and I will be online to answer questions and discuss people’s challenges. I can’t wait to meet the first students.”

To find out more and join in, please click here.

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by Helene Russell




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