Evidence-based practice (first published on Knowledge for Lawyers)

by Helene Russell

Why do some law firms seem happy to leave money on the table? Why is there not a greater emphasis on evidence-based knowledge management practice in the legal sector? Hélène Russell explores this issue and suggests some ways you can improve your own practice and add a little research evidence in.

Evidence-based practice by Helene Russell

‘I recently attended the South West Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals AGM, where David Stewart, the current president, talked (amongst other things) about the importance of evidence-based practice amongst library and information professionals.

Couldn’t agree more – x2 for knowledge professionals.

Knowledge management can be an expensive resource in law firms – bought-in subscription services, PSLs/KLs, IT systems, time away from fee earning for learning – none of these are cheap.

But when was the last time you were able to review the latest research on the best ways to encourage knowledge sharing in businesses? When were you last given the budget to attend training on the latest thinking on how adults learn in the work place?’

To read the full article, please click here.

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by Helene Russell




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